Talking about virginity , there are obat aborsi many myths that developed in the community surrounding the women's crown . But as the name suggests , the myth implies the story told from generation to generation , from one generation to another .
However , not all myths are circulating in the community about virginity was proven correct . As reported by the Times of India , there is a true myth and there are hoaxes or false .
1 . Intact hymen virgin female symbols strategi pemasaran
It is a myth that has been embedded in the minds of all people . Intact hymen is not the only evidence that a woman is a virgin . The hymen can be broken at any time and this has nothing to do with sex . Hymen can be torn during exercise , horse riding , or have an accident .
2 . Women are not seen from the way he walked virgin
In most communities , there is a unique way of determining the woman is a virgin or not , just iklan massal judging by the way she walks . Women who are not virgins , straddle or limping looks different than women in general .
Keep in mind , this myth has no basis at all . Therefore , there is no relationship between virginity by walking . How to run a person affected by physical development .DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOUR PART AS FOLLOWS womanhood ?
» Vaginal discharge that does not go away but already tried various medications even to the doctor .» Exit odor , stuffiness and itching of the area V because of menstruation , postpartum or because you do not know .» Miss - V you less tight , less sensitive unlike before birth obat aborsi so that you and your husband to be less satisfied when having sex .» And the most important thing is you want to avoid the various diseases such as genital and reproductive myom , cysts , cervical cancer and other sebaginya .
PARTNERS OR MOTHER and sisters have ever come across " bisnis online COMPLAINTS & FEEDBACK " HUSBAND :
» I am newly married but why miss v my wife does not " bite " as I expected ?» My son is only 1 , but I really miss my wife v unlike earlier when married huh?» We have 1 yr married couples but our relationship became annoyed because I feel less comfortable with» Condition v miss my wife who feels less and less " power cengkramnya " not like it used to .» I really love my wife obat aborsi any circumstances , but even if he comes back " as " virgin again I would definitely love more and more at home at home
Want to Know the Solution CLICK HERE Q & info- crystal - x testimonials priceSexually weariness in the First Day of Marriage12/26/2012 Posted by disease women under Women's Health , Husband Sex Problems , Sex Problems Women , Women's IssuesComments offbisnis online Sexually weariness in the First Day of Marriage - Sexual Exhaustion , -sexual fatigue factor , sexual exhaustion in the first wedding night , cause sexual exhaustion , inability to have sex , which is a natural response to sexual
sexual exhaustion
Sexual fatigue actually caused by a husband and wife in the early days were not in a fit state in terms of mental ability .
Therefore , they are not able to resolve spousal relationship as expected . This could possibly lead to them feeling crushed . Expectations both failed to materialize . obat telat bulan Such difficulties sometimes persist for days , sometimes for weeks , and in some cases it lasts for months ever.
A pair of newlyweds really need the bisnis online calmness nerves . Both also require therapeutic encounter interference that may arise with meditation and wisdom .
Sometimes even a husband can not have sex with his wife on the first night . This is due to ignorance about the way her husband sex.Faktok Causes Sexual Exhaustion
peluang usaha online Another cause is ignorance about the spontaneous contractions that occur around the vagina and the things that make penetration into something tidalk possible .
All that is sometimes caused by ongoing pain felt at the time of the wife's effort before having sex . The same thing sometimes happens simply because it is caused by an odd feeling against sexual structures owned by the wife and the husband mililk
We will continue this section by showing one of the clues that convinced about the failure of the sexual relationship between a husband and wife . pasang iklan baris gratis tanpa daftar The cause is sometimes just because of ignorance at all about the basics of sexual activity .
The first night sometimes only be done by a husband and wife after their marriage five months of age . At that time , each partner will be able to love with a loving partner . Harmony of this couple certainly could happen if they do not experience failure in sex.
Over and over he repeated jasa pembuatan toko online murah failures in sex have an influence in bringing about the success of others in their relationship . When this happens , they must be forced to require the advice of a doctor after consult the problem .
Through the process of diagnosis , a doctor will be able to explain that sexual intercourse took place not between this couple. The wife is also still in a virgin state . Ever since I first saw the doctor has found that the failure was caused by the sex characteristics of ignorance about alat bantu sex sexual activity . Which occurs in both the real result because the couple did not have any concept about sex.
The wife receives spousal relationships in a state of tension and feeling stiff . Of course this can make it into something coitus activity that is hard to do oIeh husband .
By the time the doctor told the couple this and explain to them some of the things that should be known about the anatomy of sexual activity and sexual organs , then the problems faced by these couples will be solved and the conditions they were back to normal in time relatively short .
Surely we can not conclude quickly that all the fatigue experienced during the early - AWAI sex caused by kekurangpengetahuan or kekurangmahiran in performing the art of lovemaking .
Whereas in certain cases , fatigue - fatigue is actually caused by the response given by the wives and positions practiced making sex into something hard .
Most women have a tendency to rebel against the sex at the beginning of marriage . Usually this rebellious attitude will quickly disappear over time .
But in some cases , this is alat bantu sex precisely the attitude of revolt continue for weeks or months and years . If so , the problem becomes a difficult problem .
Medical research proves that in such circumstances a wife is not really any physical illness . Medical research proves that at that time had sex difficulties caused by emotional psychiatric condition that causes atrophy of the muscles .
This contraction occurs spontaneously . In many cases , this shrinkage is a direct result of the lack of success in completing sexual intercourse between husband and wife .
Rebellious attitude in conditions like this is a natural response . Actually, the wife does not want it . The same thing also happened in other cases . Though sometimes a very strong sexual desire at all .
Even so , every time her husband trying to have sex with him , the tensions would happen again so blocking him in completing the sexual activity . Discuss this issue alat bantu sex with listening to what the wife will be a problem a lot of benefits in this case .
Conversely , harsh efforts would likely only result in a counterproductive thing . Efforts rough as it would only add to the strength of the wife's fears . This effort will also result in a bad situation gets Iebih continuing involvement .
Doctors refer to this condition as " shrinkage reproductive organs " . Such shrinkage suddenly alat bantu sex experienced by the muscles that surround reproduction . This contraction is sometimes caused by factors both physical and emotional factors . Although no doubt, in the majority of cases experienced by many people , this is precisely the shrinkage caused by the sudden desire appears to not resolve the ongoing sexual activity .
This is where the need to know that behind the desire for sexual activity that does not resolve the fact there is fear , anxiety , sexual loads , as well as things that are taboo . All these things usually have embedded within relevant since childhood . Of course this is all a result of muscle contraction in the first days of married life .
Things that burden is usually caused because the parents umurnnya when talking about themes related to seksuaiitas , they talk with pe | an- peIan and with stealth.
In this way , sex will be embedded in the memory of a young child obat pembesar penis that intimate relationship that is wrong , shameful , and sinful behavior is prohibited alias .
Moreover , since little girls are usually taught to not fingering her sexual organs . If it is violated , then the terrible danger that will happen to him . As a result , girls also tend to be protective . He avoids the dangers that may be encountered in the sexual organs and the reproductive organs .
By the time these young teen age phase , then that might happen he became protective of the many things that teiah dijiwanya retention and embedded since childhood.
His attitude has penetrated obat pembesar penis into the sexual response after marriage . He sometimes be surprised because they're afraid to have sex with her husband . Feelings of fear which causes the contraction of the sexual organs . Similarly, rebellious attitude that appears suddenly . This attitude is an expression of rebellious attitude toward sex that grow internally and all of a sudden .
As already known , in general tensions and various kinds of rebellious attitude mentioned above will disappear after being married for so long and having sex has become a routine .
Even so , the tension and the rebellious attitude could have lasted longer , bisnis internet online especially if her husband does not have the knowledge , pernahaman , proficiency , and eligibility at the time close to his wife .
It is not easy for a woman to escape from all the thoughts that bother her . It is this mind has been implanted in his heart of hearts he underwent during the days of his life . The mind can not go away just for a wedding ceremony . Contract which had given him the right to do with her husband's sexual life .
If her husband was too hasty , rash , obat aborsi do not show affection in attitudes and behavior with his wife , then the husband as this will only further wet ground in his home with his wife cry . His wife would be made increasingly agitated and tense sexual life with him .3 . Women bear a large chest , definitely not a virgin
Myth that one is also misguided . Therefore , the size of women's breasts is elastic . Like when aroused female breasts will be enlarged , as well as when the stimulus is gone , periodically breasts will return to its normal shape .
4 . Virgin has a bright red nose
For most people , obat telat bulan an easy way women judge a virgin or not enough to be seen from the shape of her nose . When her nose still looks rosy , a sign she was a virgin , and vice versa . Keep in mind , this is a misleading myth strategi pemasaran .
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