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jasa seo murah - tips to get quickly indexed articleQUICK TIPS ARTICLES indexed by google - Lots of ways in which the blogger so that their new article quickly indexed by google , all you need to know , indexing time between an article with another article is different, there are only a few moments after the article was published immediately indexed there are already 5 days even a week yet indexed .
To ensure your article indexed or not try to check yourself with the type SITE : YOUR URL and look for the article that you just publish . If you already have a meaningful article has been indexed and vice versa .
Easy Tips for Choosing a Niche / Best Blog pulau pari ThemesPosted by : Efendi Riswanto 27/06/2013
choose a theme / niche blogEasy Tips for Choosing a Niche / Best Blog Themes - This is one of the preparations that could be considered important , especially for the newbie would be a bit of confusion in determining the theme of the blog because it 's just usually the bandwagon to create a blog that is well known. We recommend that before you start blogging you must first determine the theme of the blog because it determines your blog in the future . Here is you some tips to choose the Niche / theme for your blog .
pulau pari Are Choosing a Blog Theme is Important?The answer is of course " Yes " , because it will affect the content of the blog that you create and affect the number of visitors or the number of targeted visitors to the blog . Because every blog theme has a different percentage of the number of devotees , as an example if you choose the theme of agriculture , the number of visitors who explore the theme of agriculture will be less than with online business themes . Because it will affect the SEO process .
Furthermore, if you are wrong in choosing the theme then most likely you will encounter problems such as the following .

You will run out of material for your blog article
Your blog will be difficult to compete with other blogs .
And you will feel bored manage your blog
Based on the above matters the stage of choosing a theme blog is obat aborsi  something that is very important because if you ignore it in the blog in the next few months you will sink and not get a place .
No wonder a lot of beginner bloggers fail due to underestimate or ignore the steps to choose a niche or theme .
How to Choose the Best Theme ?Actually the answer of this question is in each of you yourself . Because you can determine the theme of the blog is based on the ability that you have.
Or you could answer the following questions

What is the purpose of your blog ?
Do you blog to be a means to share ?
obat telat bulan    
Do you use a blog for business ?Page 1 Google - Cheap SEO Review in Jakarta , Guaranteed Page 1 Google . More than 80 percent of Internet users use Search Engines like Google , Yahoo , and Bing . The Search engine is needed as a tool when doing a search or search goods information on the Internet .
The study also revealed the fact that nearly 80 percent of Internet users simply do a search on the first page of Search Engines and the rest just until page 2 . This means that if your website / blog / online store you do not appear at first search engine for any search term you are targeting for the information or product you are selling , then you are indirectly has lost 80 percent of candidates from an income . And they will never see the product you are offering your own product though far more interesting than your competitor's product .

Installing Title Tags , Heading Tags and Meta alat bantu sex Description Each ArticlePosted by : Efendi Riswanto 21/06/2013
Title Tags , Heading Tags and Meta Description should be different for each post . because each article has a different discussion , so that the description must be in accordance with the content or the content of the article.TAG TITLEGenerally title tag of template syntax is ( NAME BLOG : TITLE POST ) or ( POST TITLE | BLOG NAME ) title tag of course we will have two , while a good title tag that only displays the post title alone . To attach a tag title varied , then make sure your Title Tag blog like this :
<title><b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl == data:blog.url'><data:blog.title/><b:else/><data:blog.pageName/>< / b : if>< / title>
To see the code title tag in your template please do the following : jasa pembutan toko online murah

Go to the menu TEMPLATE
Click the EDIT HTML
Pop - up will appear , please click the CONTINUE
Box will appear containing the basic HTML of your blog
Use ctrl + f to search for code <title>
Please check whether the code is between <title> and < / title> on your blog is the same as above ?
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If not please remove all the HTML code from <title> up < / title> , and copy and paste the above code red as his successor .
Click on SAVE to save your changes .

META DESCRIPTIONTo facilitate the meta description on each post blogspot follow the following procedure :meta descriptins

Go to SETTINGS menu
Enable the description META TAG
Fill Brother Blog on the column description available

Once you do these 5 easy steps above , please go to the pulau tidung NEW ENTRY or EDIT ENTRY to create new articles or edit old posts . On the right side of the box typing will increase the menu description TROUBLES . Fill in meta description of your article by clicking on the menu . Dropdown box will appear allowing you to enter meta description . Click the FINISH , and after that you can simply click the Publish or update at the top of the screen . ( see picture below )search descriptionsEasy Ways to Make Breadcrumbs in Blog Posts - A wide range of SEO techniques are always optimized so that they can be readily indexed sites quickly . One trick used is to put breadcrumbs on the post that contains the location of an article that was .
Breadcrumbs function is to indicate the location of articles when visitors arrive at the sites visited . Moreover , according to several people make breadcrumbs will significantly increase traffic . But many of them do excessive optimization is not necessarily create results like Google does .
Technically I believe that this technique brings positive effects breadcrumbs for SEO , because no pulau tidung matter how links between pages is always a positive effect on the flow of pagerank . For those who want to install the breadcrumbs to follow the following procedure :

Sign in to your blogger account
Keep your first Full Template by clicking the Backup / Restore
Click the EDIT HTML
Open all template code . The trick , click anywhere inside the code . Press CTRL + F to open the search box . Enter the code ] ] > < / b : skin> and then press ENTER .
If it is , put the following code just above the code ] ] > < / b : skin> was

. breadcrumbs { padding : 5px 5px 5px 0px ; margin : 15px 0px 0px 0px ; font - size: 80 % ; line-height : 1.4em ; border-bottom : 3px double # eee ; }

After that look like the code below :

<b:includable id='main' var='top'>

Replace the above code with the code below

<b:includable id='breadcrumb' var='posts'> <b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl != pasang iklan baris gratis tanpa daftar data:blog.url'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "static_page"'>
<div class='breadcrumbs'> <span> <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' rel='tag'> Home < / a> < / span > » <span> < Data : blog.pageName / > < / span > < / div >
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
< ! - Breadcrumb for the post page - >
<b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'>
<b:if cond='data:post.labels'>
<div class='breadcrumbs' xmlns:v='http://rdf.data-vocabulary.org/#'>
<span typeof='v:Breadcrumb'> <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' property='v:title' rel='v:url'> Home < / a> < / span >
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
» <span Typeof='v:Breadcrumb'> <a expr:href='data:label.url' property='v:title' rel='v:url'> <data:label.name/> < / a > < / span >
< / b : loop >
» <span> <data:post.title/> < / Span >
< / div >
<div class='breadcrumbs'> <span> <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' rel='tag'> Home < / a> < / span > » <span> unlabelled < / span > » < span > <data:post.title/> < / span > < / div >
< / b : if>
< / b : loop >
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "archive"'>
< ! - Breadcrumb for the label archive page and search pages .. - >
<div class='breadcrumbs'>
<span> <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'> Home < / a> < / span > » Archives for obat aborsi <data:blog.pageName/> <span> < / span >
< / div >
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<div class='breadcrumbs'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageName == ""'>
<span> <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'> Home < / a> < / span > » <span> All posts < / span >
<span> <a expr:href='data:blog. alat bantu sex homepageUrl'> Home < / a> < / span > » Posts filed under <data:blog.pageName/> <span> < / span >
< / b : if>
< / div >
< / b : if>
< / b : if>
< / b : if>
< / b : if>
< / b : if>
< / b : includable >
<b:includable id='main' var='top'>
<b:include data='posts' name='breadcrumb'/>

Save Changes .
Try opening one of your articles breadcrumbs does look like the peluang usaha online  image below :
example breadcrumbs
If your blog looks like a sign above then you 've merhasil put breadcrumbs and indirectly you also have to apply one template seo criteria .
Thus 've finished creating breadcrumbs hopefully your blog quickly indexed by google and many visitors .
HEADING TAGAdding a heading tag on the article obat aborsi also now very easy . In the article icon editor has no choice heading tag . Consider the following figure .heading tag
You simply select HEADING for H2 , SUB HEADING to H3, and H4 MINOR HEADING for . Thus we are more easily incorporate a variety of heading into the article .
Thereby increase the Title Tag , Meta Description , and Heading Tags for each post is very easy . So please add meta description to familiarize the

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Please fikirkan based abilities because if you force the brothers to create a blog with a theme / niche that you are not good at it konsekwnsinya as I said before .
Many beginners make the blog bandwagon that they are not good at science as tempted with successful blogs .
What Your Blog Theme ?How have you been enlightened on how to choose a alat bantu sex blog theme ? If not I will give the following list of theme / niche blogs are public , please choose based on basic knowledge or skills and you

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You can choose two or more themes are still interconnected blogs , examples usually be related to the theme of internet blogging theme etc , you should select relating to your hobby that your blog will be beneficial and not in vain .
Remember ... ! This is an obat pembesar penis important step if you want your blog successful in the future . Hope can help you ang 're confused to choose the best niche or theme of your blog and then you need to learn how to research keywords to help build a powerful blog .
How to Blog Ping to GoogleHow to Blog Ping to GoogleIs Ping it ? if I think the meaning of the word Ping is Bersiul.Seperti we know whistling can be interpreted Memanggil.dalam world we call Seo Ping means the search engine robots to explore the blog page us.If we do not perform Ping Blog Postings to the search engines then we will be a long indexed . the Master Seo Blogspot is, if after making Postings usually also perform ping pencari.banyak engine to blog ping services available on the internet you can find if you want besides google.atau if you want to try I have 10 data points that can ping your blog appropriate selection anda.soalnya needs I have not gotten to try semuanya. pasang iklan online soalnya admin disorder still can not be other than Google .
This is a Blog Ping List 10 I mean.How much time it takes an article to be indexed ? As I say above that each different article terindexnya time . So what can we do to make our articles indexed faster ?
Many ways you can do in order to optimize our articles indexed faster , ranging from doing onpage SEO Optimization , Creating quality articles etc , but we explain the steps later , we did just that simple step is submit articles on google .
Indirectly if we submit our article on google then tell google that we have a new article and google will process all of it . To submit an article on google obat telat bulan please follow the steps below.
QUICK TIPS FOR ARTICLES indexed by google

Visit halama GOOGLE ADD URL or click Google Crawl URL
In the URL field enter your Url post a new article .
Enter the CAPTCHA code there .
For more details, please see the picture :
google submit url
Note :

Usually your articles indexed faster than you do not submit at all .
Perform these steps each time you have a new article
Try to create a quality article and not copy and paste so that your article is really fresh and google likes it .
Steps above are not the only way you can do ,
If your article is still difficult indexed maybe you bad onpage optimization , obat pembesar penis  seo friendly solution is to use a template .
If you ask me the results or evidence is the one that used to do that every time I have a new artkel , and the result is a new article I always indexed in less than five minutes .
Maybe that's all I can explain about tips article quickly indexed by google , if you do not understand please ask . Hopefully this article and thank you for stopping by and reading this blog article .
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Post By : Jasa Seo Murah Dan Jasa desain Website murah


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